Sunday, November 2, 2008

Office Terminology

Blame Storming: The process of a group blaming someone for a missed due date---normally the department not present

Chainsaw Consultant: The outside expert that recommends massive layoffs to pay for his fee.

Career Limiting Move: Trashing your boss who is sitting in on the conference call---in another office

Cube Farm: An office filled with cubicles that will be eliminated in the bankruptcy.

Dilberted: A cubicle dweller with no obvious support of his boss.

Credit Risk: Banks with collateral damage

Percussive Problem: A person with a hearing loss banging on a computer

Ohnosecond: The loss of a manuscript in the computer by the action of one key

Prairie Dogging: The art of hiding in the kneewell when a loud noise (the boss) is near

Photocopy Felony: Being caught taking pictures of various parts of the anatomy

Global Warming: The selling of derivatives for hot mortgages

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