Sunday, August 3, 2008

Vista Coming!!

We are pleased to announce that we will be purchasing Vista Computers for the campus this fall. Because of budget restrictions, however, we will only be able to purchase about 25 per cent of our needs.

The first new computers will be assigned to the library and the Business department. Within a four year period we hope to be able to change out all the computers. The Art and Music Departments are scheduled for the 2012-2013 school year.

We are excited about the potential this will give us. In the transition there will be some problems but nothing that we cannot overcome.

First of all faculty and students will have to be very conscious of where they are sending attachments. If, for example, word attachments are going to non-Vista destinations they will have to be saved as non-Vista documents.

Part of this problem will be handled by counsellors. Most freshman will be coming to campus with new Vista computers. Counsellors will make every effort to have freshman students major in business administration to minimize the word document problem. Faculty facing this problem will be able to use one of the two new computers in the library.

In a related matter involving words, all computer users on campus are discouraged from participating in the Scrabble or Scrabulous games on the Internet. Our campus dictionary network is heavily challenged.

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